The LIFE programme is the European Union’s financial instrument for environment and climate change. The general objective of the LIFE programme is to contribute to the constant implementation and evolution of environmental and climatic legislation and policies through co-funding projects offering added value at European level.
The Life Programme in figures
- Since 1992: co-funding of 4,306 projects
- Between 2014-2020: contribution of 3.4 billion € for protection of the environment and climate
- Life in Quarries is part of 41 Life Project and Biodiversity projects
- Funding of the Birds (79/409/EEC), Habitats directive (92/43/EEC), biodiversity strategy for 2020 and Natura 2000
You missed our final conference? Don't panic! Watch it again here! On stage, during the "testimonies" part, the d [...]
Registration to the final conference!
In order to ensure the strictest respect of the sanitary measures in force, participants are requested to present themse [...]